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Become a Delivery Man

Become a Delivery Man

As a delivery driver, you'll make reliable money—working anytime, anywhere.

Wish to join? Just send us an email to join@getizy.be

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Become a user

Get the best DoorDash experience with live order tracking.


Simply describe what are you looking for and let our local guides find where it's best to buy

Pick a store or location from where to deliver. Have you forgotten at which store did you buy that tasty pitta souse? Just describe it and our local guides will handle it!

An app, which is easy to use

Placing order as simple as making 2 clicks

Some fresh veggie from the market? No problem!

No more check boxes. Your words is your order, let our local guides find it for you! How cool is that? 😎

Last but not least - Privacy

We highly respect your privacy and use only trusted solutions to secure your data. 0 bites of data is sold!

Let’s take your Delivery Experience to the next level

Let’s take your Delivery Experience to the next level

Getizy offers an “instant delivery” service that puts a customer in touch with a "dedicated" courier. The idea is simple: do you need to deliver or pick up some stuff*? Want to buy a small list of items but you run out of time? Getizy will make the delivery/purchase possible in a record time and will put you in touch with your dedicated courier. The motto is clear: whatever, wherever, whenever!

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Your order knocking on the door. Please receive

Your order knocking on the door. Please receive

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